Cirugias – INNOVÁRE


Cirugía bariátrica en adolescentes

Bariatric surgery in adolescents

Obesity is a disease that affects millions of people around the world and generates very high hospital and treatment costs, which affects the economy of countries, and especially of families and sick patients. The indications for bariatric surgery are established by the American Association for Surgery [...]
Balón ingerible Allurion

Allurion Ingestible Ball

With more than 15 years of experience in bariatric surgery, Dr. Gabriel Galván shares details about the Allurion ingestible balloon. Adding to the current options for bariatric interventions, the Allurion ingestible balloon is a small capsule that is swallowed so that once inside the stomach it inflates to become a balloon [...]


Bariatric surgery is ever evolving. Owing to the fact that it is a relatively new specialty that faces an ever-growing problem affecting a wide range of patients –each one with very particular characteristics and circumstances–, we specialists find ourselves faced with the need to carry out constant research so we can provide the right options for all the different patients we serve each day [...]