In 2006, Dr. Gabriel Galván brought together a diagnostic nucleus group for bariatric surgery, supported by a psychologist and a nutritionist. Together, they treated their first bariatric surgery patients in an integrated manner. Since then, we have grown professionally more than any other such group in the country.
Grupo Innovare Bariatría is currently led by Dr. Gabriel Galván, joined by a team of permanent bariatric surgeons, anesthesiologists, psychologists, nutritionists, surgical nurses, researchers, fitness trainers, 4 certified hospitals and a highly trained administrative and technical team. In addition, we have 4 permanent branches: Guadalajara, Tepic, Colima and Cuidad Juárez.
Our services consist of disseminating information and providing guidance on options for obesity surgery so that patients living with this disease are aware of the alternatives available to them, and so that they might consider us as the best option.
Interested patients attend an initial consultation for an assessment, either in person at one of our facilities or remotely through questionnaires and videoconferences. Our goal is to make an appropriate initial evaluation that allows us to find out what we need to know about each patient. A detailed assessment allows us to provide the best recommendations tailored for each individual case. That is our work, really, and why we do what we do.

I am Gabriel Galván, a physician with a professional license: 3044302, and gastroenterologist surgeon with a specialty certificate: 4412939. I am a specialist in bariatric surgery with extensive training and experience.

I coordinate the Innovare Bariatric Surgery Group with branches in four cities: Tepic, Guadalajara, Colima and Ciudad Juárez. In addition to serving local patients, we have a solid infrastructure to care for foreign patients, receiving referrals from all over Mexico as well as from different countries such as the United States, Venezuela, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Peru, Honduras and Costa Rica.

The Innovare hospital in Zapopan, Jalisco is the most complete private bariatric unit in Mexico. Innovare Bariatría has an anthropometry and bioimpedance unit for accurate monitoring of our patients' weight loss through the objective measurement of muscle and body fat, and clinics specializing in nutrition, psychology, and bariatric surgery. Furthermore, we have a complete endoscopy unit and a training center with advanced German electro-stimulation technology called Miha Bodytec offering our patients a personal trainer. All of this is in addition to the infrastructure of our hospital which has 10 operating theaters, 39 rooms, a spa, and other useful, functional facilities.

Certified by the Mexican Council of General Surgery [Consejo Mexicano de Cirugía General] and by the Mexican College for the Obesity Surgery and Metabolic Diseases [Colegio Mexicano para la Cirugía de la Obesidad y Enfermedades Metabólicas]. Member of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), part of Go Global’s group of professors, the international extension of the Society of the American Gastrointestinal Endoscopic Surgery SAGES. I have been president of the Nayarit College of Surgery [Colegio de Cirugía de Nayarit], coordinator in the West of the country for the Federation of General Surgery [Federación de Cirugía General] and also for the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery [Asociación Mexicana de Cirugía Endoscópica]. Currently, the main certifying body in the country has appointed me a counselor for the state of Nayarit (Council of Mexican General Surgery council [Consejo Mexicano de Cirugía General]).